Discussing those solutions goes beyond this article, but if you interested in one of them, simply do a search for it and you will find a lot of information. There are currently two popular ways over the Internet to connect an external video card to your laptop the cheaper being a do it yourself external GPU (DIY eGPY) and the more expensive but easier one being simply purchasing a ready to use housing for an external video card called Vidock. Please, note that this solution requires some technical knowledge and is expensive as you will need a desktop video card, a PCI Express x16 to ExpressCard/Thunderbolt adapter, a power supply and a case to hold all these parts so that you do not have any loose wires on your desktop. The desktop video card will be bottlenecked by the lack of bandwidth of these ports, but it will still be considerably faster than the integrated graphics. If your laptop has an ExpressCard slot or a Thunderbolt port, you may be able to attach an external (desktop) video card to boost your graphics performance.